Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

to to i THE SPRINGFIELD LEADER, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1926. THIRTY A SOUTHWEST BOOSTER NEWS a 3 cler ERR The Leader will gladly publish in this Department news items about every merchant in Springfield's Trade Territory. Please mail them before Thursday. would have on the general welfare and general advancement of this community and section of the state. "We will take the questions up I in the order stated, and in Hine with that I ask if there are any persons here representing navigation interesta along the river? 11 so, It Is desired that you make your rev marks on this subject now." While many persona interested in the project spoke for the varlous delegations represented at the meeting.

there were no objections toward the dam volced. Repfesentatives from Barry county, however, declared that while they had no obJection to the building of the dam. large part of their county would be submerged, and it would necessitate the building of three bridges. They demanded that in issuing the license to the Empire Electric company, the federal power commission should stipulate in the 11- cense a clause providing that the company pay for the bridges, Objections Voiced. The first communication read at the meeting was a written request sent to Major -Connolly by the N.

E. Powell Post company, stating in the event the dam WAg built some provision should be made to allow the passage of ties and timber. This request was voiced by Mr. Hilliard, representing the company, and also by Frank Adame, of Blue Eye. They were informed that a railroad would be built.

Just above the dam, and with thin information the objection was withdrawn. Mr. Adama, who represents the G. Ramsey company of Jefferson City, stated that he depends upon the river to get his ties to Branson. "If the railroad goes through, It will satisty me," he said.

The third, and one of the main points of discussion, ay set out in Major Connolly'8 statement wAS "whether the development could interfere with or hinder any public works, road, ferries or. bridges proposed by any municipality, puhlie organization. county or state." It discussion of this point that required most of the time consumed in the hearing. Mobberly Speaks. H.

P. Mobberly, Springfield, dihighway engineer, was the vision first speaker in discussing this parDeular feature of the hearing. "This development would interfere with roads, Nos. 43 and 86. two state "The highway commission doesn't want to obstruct this development.

but we believe that the route through Stone, county should be taken care of. I belteve that 8 bridge could be built on. present No. 43, but that would be of expensive. The route from very connecting No.

43 with Blue No. 3 would have to be abandoned, would to go into. Arand we kansan to get around the head of Creek." He again said that it Long is not the wish of the highway commission to interfere In any WAY with the development proposed by the Empire District Electric company. Slater Outlines Damages. J.

E. Slater, of Monett, opened the lengthy discussion of the Barry representatives. who decounty manded that the Empire District company pay. for the bullding necessary bridges In that county following the construction dam. "Our county engineer har preparblue prints of territory which ed would be effectel by the proposed dam, showing public roads together.

with territory which would oft from Barry He said that with the building of the dam, which would cause large lake, would cut off about 20,618 acres of land completely, "This land Joins and it would not only be Arkansas, cut off from Barry county, but from the state." he said. "The blue prints show that it 18 Impossible for the county to bulld these necessary bridges after the completion of the dam. The only communication from the section which would be cut oft would be by bridges. The company should construct these bridges, for the county can't afford to do it. would be impossible for the ty county to finance this proposition.

great many roads will be elimInated, and these bridges must be built. We from Barry county that when the federal power commission Issues the permit for the bullding of the dam an order of should be Inserted providing that the company build ronds and bridges." It was stated by another Barry county representative, B. B. Kelly, of Purdy, that the citizens of that county voted two years ago bonds of of $100,000 to pay for two bridges, and that with the of the dam. three, bridges would be necessary.

them would have. to be 1y much bigger than tHose now planned. Appronches to these bridges would necessarily be constructed. "The population of our county lying across the river would be off from the rest of the county," said J. T.

Burgess; of Barry county. "We voted bonds for bridges, and congress has allowed them. It the proposition to build the dam of goes through the company should least pay the difference in the cost -the three M. H. Roberta, of Rachden City, Barry Held caused a laugh when he sald "The dam proposition la holding everything back in our county.

-I live between two rivers have been be handicapped by rivers all of my life. We voted our bonds two years ago to build these two bridges, and is are paying 5 per cent Interest and we're not getting a bit of good out of it." An explanation of the aftuation in the Barry county wan explained by B. able Kelly, of Purdy, who. was chairman of the organization which led the the voting of $100,000 bonds for tion bridges. "We are losing consider- this able money.

As 500n as the bonds were voted they were sold, and we trie have been held up for two years. There la considerable dissatisfac- at tion and we'd like to know where stand." Spencer Makes Promise. c. C. Spencer, of toptin, attorney We the Empire District Electric use company, followed the representatires of Barry county.

"From what has been said this is matter of An engineering problem. but a financial situation. al Their serous objection la not be- dam, ONE HEARING ON TABLE ROCK DAM PROJECT HELD AT BRANSON Meeting Was Attended By Approximately 1500 Persons Who Packed Community Hall Thursday Afternoon. BY FITZHEGH Approximately 500 persons attended a hearing conducted Thurs: day at the Community hall in BranRon by Major: Donald H. U.S.

Army. District Connolly, Memphis, In the Engineer, matter of of the application of the Empire Distriet Electrie company for A license to erect a dam at Table Rock on White River: Representatives from all of the counties which would be effected by the building of the proposed dam discussed the proposition at the meeting. While many persons who Jammed the Community hall went to the meeting in the interest of their own property, Major Donnolly stated at the outset that the hearing was for of giving all sons Interested in the proposed perter power development at Table Rock an opportunity to express their sentiments on subject. Te said, however, that the meeting was no place to take up matters of spoke property at the damage, hearing and confined those their who el remarks to matters of public Interent. Connolly Presides.

Calling the meeting to order. Mafor Connolly stated as follows: "This hearing in held for the purpose of giving all persons Interest. ed in the water power ment proposed At Table Rock. by Empire District Electric comDADS An opportunity to express their views on the subject. The federal water power act approved June 10, 1930, confers upon the federal power commission authority and power.

to lasue licenses for water power developments navigable waterways of the United States and in tributary streams where such developments would atfect the navigable capacity of the main stream. The rules and provide that applicante for a license may first secure 8. prelimInary permit for purpose of tablishing and maintaining priority necessary to obtain said rights the time necessary to darion. Mcenses. The Empire District Electrie company obtained such a pre- ISO liminary permit on MArCh 1.

1923, and has made its investigations and prepared plans for the development and is now making application for pa license to proceed with the work. We are now to consider that application. assume that most of you have seen the notice this hearing A.R Issued directly from U. S. Engineer office at Memphis, to persons belleved by it to be directInterested in the proposed devel.

opment, or A8 reprinted. In the newspapers this vicinity. For the benefit of those who are sent and have not seen the nottee! will read it. to you. connection with subjects be discussed at hearing, to, attention is invited to the fact that the question private land damnage is not one for a consideration here, that being a question for settlement in your local courts by agreement between the power company and the persons effected.

With the atatements set out in the public notice and: this last one for your guidance, you are informed that it In the intention of this hearing to show: efect development would have on the use of stream a navigable waterway, that is; Its use for the transportation of articles of trade and traffic, and for travel In the mode customary upon water. Rafting and floating timber la a recognized form of navigation. "If the development would have a detrimental effect on the navtgable capacity of the stream, what would be needed to reduce or to remove that effect. "Whether the development would interfere with or hinder any public works, roads, ferries or bridges proposed by any munfelpality, publie organization, county or the state. if it would interfere with any proposed works what would be necessary to remove that Interference, or if the interference removed would it be of importance enough to warrant rejection of the application for the "What effect the development A DURO MADE BY THE DURO PUMP AI MANUFACTURING DAYTON Tried and Proved full Automatic Operation With the Duro Automatic Water Softener, every home or apartment house--old or new--may have water softer than rainwater--in unlimited quantities--at every faucet in the house.

It is quickly and easily installed--and then there is nothing further to do for the Duro Softener is completely self-operating. There are no electrical connections. There are no chemicals put in the water--just the addition of common salt to the Durolite three or four times a year. Reconditioning is done automatically. No wonder the Duro Softener is called the greatest development of the year.

Come in and let us tell you about it. Water Softener W. L. Woodruff Furnace Co. 314 South Ave.

Phone 290 The Department Store of Home Specialties Home of Oil-0 Matic Warm Air Heating SystemsIccless Refrigeration, Both Domestic and Industrial DU Outomatic Important Distributing Center Springfield AS a distributing center 1 constantly growing in portance. One wholesale concern reports sales of wide variety of goods during the week ending May 8th to trucks for 59 merchants In 46 towns in the territory adjacent to this city. we trucks The although goods were delivered In they most were cases delivered to the to truck merchants lines own engaged in freight transportation, This represents. an increase of 17 merchants and 14 towns over the same period in 1925. The list of towns from wheth this trade was drawn IN AN follower Brookline, Forsyth, Highlandvitte, Thayer, Republic, Billings, Norwood.

Stratford, Northriew, Turner, Ebenezer. Pleasant Hope, Elwood, Sparta, Osark, Galloway, Mentor, Fair Grove. Buffalo, Plano, Bois D'. Arc. Greenfield.

Lockwood, Fair Play, Bolivar, Morrisville, Clever, Nixa, Cassidy, Pearl, Mansfield, Cabool, Lebanon, Eudora, Diggins, Graydon Sprints Mountain Grove, Ash Grove, Fremont, Willard, Brighton, Conway, Stoutland, Reeds Spring Marshfield. cause the dam is to be built, but matter of expense, a business matter. "I think we can get together. The proposition In preliminary, state, and know you have been held back. but it simply be helped, for there are some preliminary steps which have to be taken in a matter of this kind.

I am sure that the company can get together with citizens Barry county on terms which will be satisfactory. We will treat you right. We have won that reputation in every other county in which we have dealt, and am sure that we can arrange terms which will be satisfactory to all concerned. At this point another comio situntion arose when Mr. Roberts, of Barry county, asked Spencer how much longer they would have to wait.

It took Lord some time to. build the world," Mr. Spencer said. "It took him a week. but we've waited two years," Mf.

Roberts said. A11 I can say now." Mr. Spencer answered, "is that we are doing our damdest to build this Ford Pays want to bear out the of Mr. Spence said Attorney I. B.

Ford, of Fortyth, who passed great compliment on the Empire District Electric company, declarthat the Forsyth dam was the Ing "making of Taney county." "When Mr. Spencer says that his has warm friends in Tancompany county he la. stating fact," Mr. ex Ford declared. "When the first dam built.

many roads were flooded was built bridges bebut company the people ever asked for them. fore I'll say that the To Barry county dam in Taney county was the makcounty. The dam is Ing' of Taney the cause of. many roads being built." J. E.

Slater; of Monett, again and maid that while took the the matter suggested by Barry county citizens might be ironed out it might not. "We satisfactorily still insist that the commission has authority to grant a permit to build the dam and it should take into consideration Barry county, and should require the company to take care of these damages. So, Barry county, Insists that the company shall know what it will do regardIng. bridges and roads. It may the that the company will the be so thing; and A may not be, but right any way there should be objection to an order of this kind." Rufe Scott Speaks Representatives of Stone county insistent 88 those of were not 50 Barry county, although the speakthat county stated that ers from the dam would cause the Inundation of many roads, bridges and school districta.

These representatives had not prepared estimates of and would make no recdamages, ommendation along this line. Rufe Scott, of Galena, who was principal spokesman for Stone county, de declared that in the event is built Stone county will ho damaged to A greater extent than either Taney or Barry county. Mr. Scott spoke following the readof a letter from Stone counIng court In which damages were outlined, and which contained a clause recommending the bullding of the locks in the dam. "The lake will extend clear across Stone county and will cut the county In two," Mr.

Scott said. "All the roads and bridges between the north and mouth will be submerged, many school districts which will be obliterated will have to be reorganized, and many graveyards will be submergde. Some provision will have to be made for the caring the dead. "On account of the fact that Stone county is very hilly, backwaters from the lake will make it extremedifficult to build roads. Long Creek will be backed up, and the road from Blue Eye to Hollister will be obliterated.

It will make it very Inconvenient for people In the Blue Eye vicinity. have North Indian creek, South Indian creek, Cow creek, MIll Big. Nance, Piney, Wooley, Peach Orchard and other creeks, all which will be affected by backwater. WilL Prepare Estimates. didn't understand that Stone county would need to prepare eatimates, and we don't at this time want to make estimates for we will have to be bound by them.

We beflieve these matters can be and will adjusted, although the publie. never can be fully recompensed for. damages in many ways if the dam built. "Whether these damages and inconveniences. would warrant the feredal power commission to refuse permit for the dam we are not to say.

We will submit statement at any time regarding bullding of bridges, the re-locaof highways, but we believe information is already in the hands of the Empire District Eleccompany. "AR to the question of the locks dam, we are making that recommendation merely AS gestion: Whether the need will justify the expense we don't know. are willing that the commission its discretion in this matter." At the close of Mr. Scott's talk Major Connolly read a letter from offcials of Hollister and Branson which gave the unqualified approvof both municipalities to the The letter also contained a surface of the post. Round round He walked, never taking hands off the concrete.

Amazement gave way despair, and last, sinking, down on the pavement, ho gasped: "My God, walled -K. Louisville. Low- Down Kid. Leslie had always been very much afraid of dogs. One day after a struggle to him to pass a large dog.

his mother! scolded him for his unnecessary fear. was his reply, "you'd afraid of dogs if you were as low down as 1 am." In Scotland. "What novel advertising scheme!" he remarked, helping! himself to one of the blind man's pencils, THE REASON. Grocer Stow: "How is It that never see you in my store any more? Customer: "Maybe it's because ain't Located! The small boy's head bobbed over the garden wall, and A meeK Jittle: volce asked; "Please, Miss Brown, may I. have my "Yes, dear, certainly." the next door neighbor answered, "Where did it fall 2 think." was the reply, "It's stuck your P.

Penna. A Clever Ending. The great humorist lay dying. His face pale; his breath came in protesting gasps; his pulse flutter: The famous specialists cast significant glances between themselves. "There's--no hope?" he asked them.

bene-Their headg shook sadly and In "No The great humorist beckoned to me. "Jim. old. boy," he whispered in my car, "bring I carried them to the dying nan's side. Wenkly he thrust his feet from beneath the covers.

"Put -ed, growing visibly weaker them me. he whispers the effort of speech. I saw that the end was near. To humor him, I drew the shoes over his. feet.

He lay back satisfled. Unable to restrain curiosity even in the prescence of death. I asked him, "Why did you have me do that' I won't stub my toes when I kick the the great humorist replied. Continental Motors "The Red Seal." A gentleman of a generation ago was going out in his carriage, accompanied by his wife, to make some calla. Discovering that they were without pisiting cards, he brdered his new footman to go to the mantleplece in the sitting room and there.

The latter AS he WAS bring the carda Mana should see directed and oft they, started. Whenever a home" oCcurred the footman was sent, in with cards. Toward the end of the drive the gentleman turned to the servant with the question: "How many carda have you left, John? sir?" said the footman, Innocently, "there's the king ot spades, the six of hearts and the ace of clubs." "The deuce! exclaimed his master, thunderstruck. "That's gone," Bald John. Charles Bond Co.

"House of Bond." The Real Article. very busy man, sir. What is "Tour want to make you rich." leave your recipe with me and I'll look it over later. Just now I'm. ensaged in closing up deal by which expect to make $7 Mi real -Chase Bag oC.

"Bagology." "Yes, dear." "Tell me a fairy Atore before to bed, will you? "Wait till your father comer home, deter, and he'll tell us both MORE THAN THIRD OF CITY'S POPULATION IN OCCUPATIONS Occupational Statistics For 1926 Show Great Growth In Springfield Since The Last U. S. Census Was Taken. request for watermain, facilities, not a subject for discussion dewhich Major Connolly stated. waR cision at that hearing.

Nee Makes Request. Asking for a discussion of the fourth and last point, the effect of the proposed dam on general welfare and advancement. Dan M. Nee, city attorney of Springfield, made a plea for locks in the proposed dam in order that boats might. "Springfield, which I represent, is the largest principality to be affeeted by the dam, Our citizens are highly in favor of the proposition," Mr.

Nee said. "This section Is yet in Its Infancy, and the proposition to bulld the dam is one of the most Important propositions In the United tSates. It will lend greatly toward the development of this region. "Ag far as navigation is concerned, some of you do not realize It but navigation has much to do with freight rates. If the dam la equipped with locks the freight rates will naturally be much lower this entire section, and.

It will fit not only Springfield but the tire section as well." W. H. Lynch, of Notch, owner of Marvel Cave, stated at the hearing that he did not want to give his unqualified approval to the building of. the dam until the project is fully Investigated. He said.

that before a permit granted the proposition should be investigated by engineers representing the state, and the counties effected. At the close of the hearing Major Connolly stated that various organizatione, counties and uals can have the privilege of sendIng written views on the subject of dam to Oscar Sanders, court stenographer at. Ava. Mr. Sanders, he said, will be in court for three weeks, and cannot finish- typing the proceedings of Thursday's meetIng that time.

Written testimony will be placed in the records if sent to him before the expiration of three weeks. At the end of this period the records will be forwarded to the federal power commission. Mr. Sanders stated that copies of the proceedings of the hearing will. be available to those desiring them.

Have You Heard This One? He: How long will dresses be worn this summer? She: Oh, just A little over two feet. One day as the group around the stove In the grocery store were discussing the recent shooting match. Uncle John came In sight. Know. Ing that any reference to shotguns would get the old man to say something, they began.

did pretty well at 50 yards." said one. Another had hit the mark at 90 yarde, and others at various other distances. Finally Uncle John spoke up. tried her at. 200 yards," he said.

Eyerybody leaned forward. Did you hit 'er asked one young fellow. "Yeah," returned the old man, "I hit her; but I strained the gun." "Funny, Isn't it, the number of bees around this time of the year?" said 8-town sportsman. "I can't 800 them, but another one just went buzzing past my enr." "Bees- the dickens!" returned Gap Johnson of Rumpus, Ridge. "Them's bullets fired by a mess of hunters from up at Kay See.

It they don't let up pretty durn' soon, I'll Just rip loose with A load of I'm getting sorter their buckshot from my oldrecatter gun. foolishness." Coming Style, Maybe. From A wedding writeup in Lancaster, paper: Miss Lucille Rife R.S flower girl carried a baeket of roses and sweet peas. Mr. Robert Jones of Altoona wore A frock of pink georgette and acted as best man.

The Prize Winner. A journalistic school offered prize for the shortest essay, using these three subjects, the Diety. Royalty and Spice. The essay which won first prize read as for. God, said the Princesa, take you hand off my knee." Or Halitosis, He: "The trouble with you la that you are spoiled." She: "No: that's the perfume you gave me for And Nearly Sunk.

The night was dark and the hour late, when the lone merry -maker advanced unsteadily toward the concrete lamp post. Gingerly touching the rough surface he felt about until assured of a solid support and then leaned back, resting. After few minutes, deciding to pursue his alcoholic path again, he turned and felt carefully about the get More than one third of the people living In Springfield are engaged be In some sort of occupation, ing to 1026 occupational statistics for this city. of the estiniated population of 57,069, there are: 974 males and 6,310 females gaged. in gainful occupations.

Most males, 6.700 in number, are engaged in manufactures, and the remainder are engaged in the foly 2,667: lowing professional occupations: service, transportation, 980: clerical work. 1.321. of the females In occupations, there are 780 In professional service: 1,273 in clerical work: 592 In trade: 181 In transportation: 920 in manufacturers. and 1,557 in personal servup define growth of Springfield Is shown in the following tabulation giving the 1926 occupational sta. tistics in comparison with the U.

S. census figures In 1920: oTtal population, 1926; 1920, males engaged in all occupations. 21,736 In 1926: 15,526 in 1920: agriculture, 342 in 1026: 244 In: 1926g mining and oll, 71 in 1926: 51 in 1920: transportation, 6,700 in 1926: 4,788 In 1920: trade, 2,567 in 1926: 1,905 In 1990: professional service, 980 in 1926; 700 In 1920; domestic and personal service. $89 in 1926. 979 in 1920; clerical work, 1,371 In 1926, against 979 In 1920.

The comparison of the female occupational statistics between 1926 and 1920 is as follows: 5,310 against 3,973 engaged In All occupations: agriculture, 3 In 1926, and 3 in 1920; manufactures, 920 In 1920 a and 657 In 1920; trade. 1926 and in 1920: transportation. 181 in 1926, 129 In 1920: professional service, 780 in 1926. and 557 In 1920: domestic and personal service. 1,557 In 1926.

1,112 In 1920; clerical work, 1,273 in 1926, 909 in 1920. Billy, 2, was hammering on the floor of the nursery while his mother was trying to sleep in the room below. The nurse girl called. "Billy, for goodness sake, what are you doing?" Billy sat quietly for a moment then maid, "Susie, don't you know you should say sake, amen?" DISCOURAGING. Mother: "And what did in school today Elate: mother.

I dorot, have to educate you all over again, do It's a wise tourist that; known state cop from A holdup W. Va. Moonshine. PA PAPER Printers' Goods, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Typewriter Supplies, Writing Paper, Twine, Drinking Cups, Sweeping Compounds, Toilet Paper, etc. Springfield Paper Co.

Wholesale Only 300 N. Jefferson Avenue Phone 1261 Send Us Your Ordersifor OFFICE SUPPLIES and PRINTING Blank Books, Loose Leaf Goods Everything for the Office, Bankrand Court House. THE BUSINESS SYSTEMS STORE GARDNER OFFICE SUPPLY CO. I at we B. to we for Firestone Gum Dipped Cords Largest stocks in Southwest Missouri, including Solids.

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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.