Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (2024)

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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    我是上海烘焙企業一級烘焙甜點設計師!我是上海麵包店世界排名第一一級麵包師傅!我熟練掌握法國麵包西方甜品風格不同,我在五星級酒店酒店烘焙師畢業專業資格標準課程證書!我的認真工作態度和烘焙技能贏得全球各地冠軍!我態度認真親和我贏得正式員工聘用合同!I completed Bachelor of Food Science in Culinary Arts Management. I am awarded by University especially American Institute of Bakery and University of London. 我開班授課教學麵包烘焙理論!我的專業資格包括麵包糕點概論,烘焙歷史,正確安全使用工具設備,烘焙食品製作方法,烘焙基礎裝飾技術,烘焙概念發展例如我自己在國際比賽贏的巧克力鋼琴形狀蛋糕,我的專業資格包括品質保證品質管理品質管制,麵包材料供應商查詢,麵包店經營,麵粉品質控制,製作產品品質保證,分量控制,烘焙廚房工作坊設計,製作烘焙食品衛生標準!I am celebrating my work anniversary. I am feeling thankful for my own professional bakery career and my own workmilestone晉級!I work on my bakery career by my 努力進修!I obtained professional bakery certification, Icompleted bakery technology system design master degree certification, I am bread baking & pastry management 麵包大王總管!我開班教授學徒學蛋糕製作!我在線上也有開班提供各樣烘焙課程系列例如我開班落力提供烘焙材料教授千萬樣香濃酥脆蛋糕cheesecake蛋糕,我開班教授學徒學蛋糕製作各樣甜點!我是世界排名第一甜點師傅專家!我的烘焙健康博士知識營養標籤制度我的烘焙健康營養知識是全球之冠軍!我也這幾千年懂得為我烘焙工廠計算利潤!我預約場地開辦烘焙培訓學院培訓萬個學員法國烘焙,西方甜點,中式烘焙,生活技能,英語法國語言水平提升課程,我安排百個在多倫多Vaughan五星級數酒店進行實習!在烘焙市場我是破世界紀錄是世界排名第一冠軍!我寫烘焙原理書籍而且銷售第一!我的國際烘焙證書我的廚藝展示學院國際證書是世界排名最多!我是廚藝展示學院烘焙甜點學院總舍監院長開辦課堂!我自己親身體驗烘焙師我以我自己是國際排名第一烘焙師冠軍為我畢生榮譽,我被表揚的國際級烘焙師證書資格!我每一年晉級國際烘焙家大獎是國際級!我教授徒弟烘焙食品創意,我開班授徒可愛蛋糕造型,我親身參與每一場國際比賽評審學徒做起蛋糕設計而且比較分數!My system design food technology focusing on High Quality at High Speeds was stolen by urban planning criminal theft alumni vivien yip of birth year 1977 September who came my condo and robbed my $800,000 bakery bank cash salaries and my other packaging conveyor line salaries of 38 trillions dollars. Yet I managed the post trauma stress of myself being robbed condo security cards and bakery $800,000 salaries and completed the diploma and move forward. My master degree of project management graduation and my PhD thesis allows me to do project system design engineering project such as Custom Solutions Cost and Benefit Project such as cost savings or clean-label ingredients, we offer tailored solutions to help you cater to consumer preferences. Product development and range of bread and cake enzymes are my PhD research topics I graduated in I everyday is top world writer writing books like The Secret to Baking Perfection at Scale. I am so proud being top bakery technical expert. I am so proud being top of world R&D expert and being top of technical teams pushing the boundaries of innovation every day. I bring modern advancements in manufacturing and technology to my partnerships to ensure consistency at scale.我是世界一級專業人才!我開班教授多倫多香港臺灣國際烘焙師專業知識!我令多倫多還有香港臺灣專業烘焙中心開創新業績!我舉辦亞太烘焙食品節例如龍宴宴會我賣力幫助社福機構中秋包粽節日月餅廣告宣傳活動,我舉辦加拿大多倫多烘焙食品工業知識食品工業工廠衛生職工安全知識講座!我是食品宣傳部門主管機關的總幹事!我是世界排名第一花藝設計師,活動創辦家,創業家,烘焙創意藝術家,繪畫師,陶瓷工藝美術家,烘焙概念發展家,美容產品管理博士家,美容護理產品發明家,美容護理家,鋼琴創作家,作曲家,作曲編曲填詞音樂家,西班牙舞蹈表演比賽入圍者,我是比朗朗更出色世界排名第一女鋼琴演奏家,我開班課程授課教授烘焙美術,我開班課程授課教授花藝設計,我開班課程授課教授陶瓷工藝美術,我開班課程授課教授烘焙創意!我是上海烘焙企業一級烘焙甜點設計師!我是上海麵包店世界排名第一一級麵包師傅!我熟練掌握法國麵包西方甜品風格不同,我在五星級酒店酒店烘焙師畢業專業資格標準課程證書!我的認真工作態度和烘焙技能贏得全球各地冠軍!我態度認真親和我贏得正式員工聘用合同!

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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    https://bit.ly/3SLJDYe (My Project&my cmp certified meeting planning certification project). So happy I got my project management degree from George Brown College&pmi.org.My Bakery Products Manufacturing My Plant Project Report 2024 EditionReport Coverage: My Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook), Detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, Quality Assurance), Requirements and Cost (Machinery, Raw Materials, Packaging, Transportation, Utility, Human Resource), Project Economics (Capital Investments, Operating Costs, Profit Projections, Financial Analysis, Revenue), and Investment Opportunities are done. My Syndicated Analytics report, titled “Bakery Products Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024 Edition are written here: topics including Industry Analysis (Market Performance, Segments, Price Analysis, Outlook), Detailed Process Flow (Product Overview, Unit Operations, Raw Materials, Quality Assurance), Requirements and Cost (Machinery, Raw Materials, Packaging, Transportation, Utility, Human Resource), Project Economics (Capital Investments, Operating Costs, Profit Projections, Financial Analysis, Revenue), and Investment Opportunities,” provides a complete roadmap for setting up a bakery products manufacturing plant.My Market Trends project:The global bakery products market is driven by several key factors. The foremost is the demand for convenience food items in the wake of increasingly busy lifestyles and the rise of single-person households. Changing dietary habits and the growing trend of snacking are also contributing to the market's expansion. My Project Financial Analysis:Capital Investments AnalysisOperating Costs AnalysisExpenditure Projections AnalysisRevenue Projections AnalysisTaxation and Depreciation AnalysisProfit Projections AnalysisComprehensive Financial AnalysisThe report also covers a comprehensive analysis of the project economics for setting up a bakery products manufacturing plant. This includes the analysis of capital expenditure (CapEx), operating expenditure (OpEx), income projections, taxation, depreciation, liquidity analysis, profitability analysis, payback period, NPV, uncertainty analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Celebrating my work anniversary. Feeling thankful for this #workmilestone


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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    Celebrating my work anniversary. Feeling thankful for this #workmilestone! I am back on writing with professors PhD papers on Influence of different leavening agents on technological and nutritional characteristics of whole grain breads obtained from ancient and modern flour varieties. The aim of the work was to assess the influence of the leavening agent on several technological, chemical, and nutritional characteristics of breads prepared with whole soft wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) flours. As leavening agents in bread-making, baker’s yeast, biga, and sourdough were utilized. Two ancient varieties, Andriolo and Verna, and others are great elements.My baker CEO told me to complete my master degree PhD degree research on the following topic: Grain quality indicators and their phenotypic variability of ancient varieties of Triticum aestivum in the mountains of Uzbekistan. Ruziyev F, Djabbarov I, Olimjonova S, Niyozov U, Urokov S, Ishankulova D, Bakhadirov U. 2023. Grain quality indicators and their phenotypic variability of ancient varieties of Triticum aestivum in the mountains of Uzbekistan. Biodiversitas 24: 5995-6001. Today, creation of varieties of agricultural crops that are resistant to adverse environmental factors and produce stable crops under the influence of stress factors has become one of the most important issues in the world. In the following years, scientific and research work is being carried out on the wide use of the diversity of its genetic resources in the creation of new varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In this regard, there are opportunities to use wild, semi-wild and ancient local forms of wheat with high protein and high gluten content to create varieties that meet modern production requirements. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the quality indicators of ancient varieties and the degree of phenotypic variation in the selection of wheat varieties that are resistant to adverse environmental factors, fertile and high-quality. This research work, aimed at researching ancient wheat varieties cultivated by the people living in the mountainous regions of Uzbekistan for many years. According to the research results, the grain quality indicators (grain hardness, diameter of grains, grain quality indicators, rheological properties, etc.) of the ancient wheat varieties distributed in the mountain regions are different. According to the results of the experiment, the grain hardness of the studied ancient wheat varieties is 73-82 µm, grain diameter 2.65-2.71 mm, hectolitre of weight 818.2-838.1±8.7 g/L, vitreousness 62.2-70.3%, gluten content in grain 31.5-34.6%, sedimentation index 64.4-77.2 mL. It was also observed that the phenotypic variability of the quality indicators was different in the wheat varieties that were the object of the study.

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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    Our wedding photo we went cruise traveling the world especially New Zealand cruise port and we paid the wedding party party guests, seriously it was a long trip but memorable sweet one. Me and my husband also went to Mexican Sea, Jamaica, all 200 Caribbean small Islands mountain islands. So happy to see my high school best friends from St. Catherine's Waverley& from St. Vincent's Rose Bay to chat about how beautiful bride beautiful wife I am of Victor.

    • Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (7)
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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    My study in MBA. My 9000000 CEO supervisor jailed criminal alumni theft of urban planning vivien yip of birth year 1977 Sept that theft vivien yip came robbed my 50 bank card robbed my bank money of 5 trillions robbed my bakery salaries envelopes of $80,000,000. This prisoner criminal alumni theft vivien yip robbed my safety box money worthing $800,000,000 and this prisoner theft alumni vivien yip also robbed my 9 millions cash which my bereaved parents left me. This theft urban planner criminal vivien yip of 35 Brockhaven Crescent also robbed all my expensive closet meeting dating clothings expensive brands handbags worthing 893 millions dollars. This theft urban planner criminal vivien yip birth year 1977 September of 35 Brockhaven Crescent robbed my millions dollars trillions dollars worth of my kitchen cuisine brands appliances. This criminal alumni theft vivien wai man yip entered u of waterloo urban planning at year 1996/1997 and left urban planning at year 2001/2002. I don't think this criminal prisoner alumni of urban planning vivien yip has any education. This criminal alumni theft urban planner city planner vivien yip wai man of birth year 1977 September robbed my bakery salaries of $9,000,000. This criminal alumni theft urban planner city planner vivien yip wai man of birth year 1977 September robbed all my expensive gifts money robbed my expensive robbed my trillions worth house robbed my expensive 65 billions worth 26 condominium&keys which worth 8883883 billions which my passed away parents wrote will by lawyer and give me as gift during my parent bereavement. Hope this city of toronto ministry of transportation city planner theft criminal vivien yip go jail for at least 5000000trillions×billions decades&compensate me 993 trillions, still cannot even compensate my non healing heart of being robbed. This criminal alumni theft urban planner vivien yip of birth year 1977 Sept have most yuckiest heart in world and robbed me&killed my mom with alzheimer. This criminal alumni theft urban planner vivien yip of birth year 1977 Sept jealous me happy marriage&robbed my anniversary date laptops robbed my car I escort my husband everyday robbed my lingeries worthing 5 billions robbed my event anniversary wear robbed my cruise lugguage robbed my car worthing 285 trillions. This criminal alumni theft city planner vivien yip robbed my property&robbed my bank 3 trillions cash I go new home design restaurant project with my husband victor!My study I completed MBA, MBA Finance, HRM Human Resource Management coursework, Bakery Management and food science and I obtained my master degree graduate certification. I obtained all certifications by deadline. My parents are so proud of me my master degree graduation university is top of world ranking. I am happy that I can be promoted to QA food science nutritionist professional within my company. It's my most beautiful most beautiful life in my lifelong Bakery Management career forever in my life.

    • Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (9)
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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    My study completed in MBA, HRM, Bakery Management and food science and my graduate certification. I am happy that I can be promoted to QA food science nutritionist professional within my company. It's my most beautiful most beautiful life in my lifelong Bakery Management career forever in my life.

    • Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (11)
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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    My study completed in MBA, HRM, Bakery Management and food science and my graduate certification. I am happy that I can be promoted to QA food science nutritionist professional within my company. It's my most beautiful most beautiful life in my lifelong Bakery Management career.

    • Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (13)
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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    My study completed in MBA, HRM, Bakery Management and food science and my graduate certification.

    • Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (15)
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  • Teresa Poon

    PhD(Macquarie U, UTS, Monash, UNSW), PhD Financial Econ, CFA, MBA, MA&PhD(Econ). I got MBA, PhD(Finance), food microbiology, cosmetic products safety, I am world pianist, top bakery designer with PhD, top project manager

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    I am born in Rose Bay Dover Heights Sydney Australia. I graduated with mechatronic engineering Master degree and food microbiology master degree and MBA degree from world ranking #1 research #1 university University of Technology Sydney and University of Sydney Camperdown Campus. I am top world food industry analyst&writer. I also took event industry council certified meeting planner certification, and project management degree. 我是勞工安全衛生管理師博士行政人員管理層,我在澳洲世界排名第一大學學府雪梨研究大學和滑鐵盧大學畢業!我在澳大利亞澳洲雪梨最貴地段Rose Bay Dover Heights出生!我七歲多已到澳洲雪梨音樂學院拿世界鋼琴演奏家國際獎項而且我是世界排名第一最美麗動人的女鋼琴演奏家!我八歲已被世界第一全澳洲排名第一澳洲澳大利亞澳洲雪梨女貴族寄宿名校St. Catherine's Waverley 26 Albion Street&St Vincent's College Rockwall Crescent Rose Bay Sydney Australia挑選做博士學位精英和職場精英,我十歲已給世界排名第一澳大利亞澳洲女貴族寄宿學校學院取錄獲得澳洲大學頭先取錄驕人優異成績!我十四歲已破世界紀錄有五十間六十間世界排名第一澳洲醫科研究院大學學府取錄我,取錄我的包括世界排名第一澳洲工程大學學府包括澳洲雪梨大學University of Sydney,澳洲墨爾本大學University of Melbourne,澳洲昆士蘭大學Queensland University,澳洲新南威爾斯州大學University of New South Wales,澳洲雪梨技術大學University of Technology Sydney,澳洲墨爾本大學University of Melbourne,澳洲柏斯大學University of Western Australia,澳洲音樂學院Sydney Conservictorium of Music Australia, 奧克蘭大學University of Auckland,我十二歲已獨自創業遊歷到新西蘭奧克蘭新西蘭北部新西蘭南部遊歷甚至到Papa New Guinea還有澳洲海洋其他國家旅遊!我是世界排名第一大旅行家大冒險家!我七歲多已到澳洲雪梨音樂學院拿世界鋼琴演奏家國際獎項而且我是世界排名第一最美麗動人的女鋼琴演奏家!我擁有世界排名第一團隊精神,專業工程技術、安衛知識及良溝通協調能力,我有人際手腕圓滑的優點之外,我懂得與各包商充分合作的變通,我和其他大廠家與時並進一起共同努力創下歷史業績。我二十歲已是是工商管理博士,經濟計量學博士數學家,運動學會會長! 我十八歲已被滑鐵盧大學Wilfred Laurier University大學多倫多大學金融數學碩士院博士院取錄!我也是世界傑出烘焙師女教授!我多年工作以來,在各烘焙工廠發揮所長,我的烘焙豐富經驗而且我接受嚴格訓練是精英!I graduated with mechatronic engineering Master degree and food microbiology master degree and MBA degree from world ranking #1 research #1 university University of Technology Sydney and University of Sydney Camperdown Campus. I am top world food industry analyst&writer. I also took event industry council certified meeting planner certification. I am also top world trainer providing training at my bakery workplace at the following issues:TrainingFood Safety TrainingFSMA TrainingGFSI TrainingGMP & Sanitation TrainingIntentional Adulteration TrainingHACCP TrainingFood Labeling TrainingBaking TrainingCertificationGFSI CertificationsPandemic Prepared CertificationRequest a Certification QuoteInspections & ConsultingFood Safety Inspections & ConsultingBaking Inspections & ConsultingFood Safety Inspection BannersI wrote top world bakery blog photography blog especially in bakery manufacturing plant. I also took human resource management course in bakery and I am top human resource manager.I took U of T leadership skills PMI training coursework and I am top team player in leadership team. My company training is top. I am top in sport team player representing Canada and Australia my birth country. I am top CEO in project team management and in event management cater management bakery management.

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Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (17)

Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (18)


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Teresa Poon on LinkedIn: I'm excited to share my educational milestone that I completed and passed… (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.